Public forum: Facebook unhealthy for families?

Public forum: Facebook unhealthy for families?

Empower working in partnership with Women’s Aid Organisation, Centre for Independent Journalism and Sisters in Islam is organizing a public forum titled “Facebook: Is it Unhealthy for Families?” on 25th June 2011.

Empower (Persatuan Kesedaran Komuniti Selangor) working in partnership with Women’s Aid Organisation (WAO), Centre for Independent Journalism (CIJ) and Sisters in Islam (SIS) is organizing a public forum titled “Facebook: Is it Unhealthy for Families?” on the 25th of June 2011 at 9.30 am to 12.30 pm, at De Palma Seminar & Conference Centre 15th Floor, Menara PKNS, Jalan Yong Shook Lin, Petaling Jaya.

Recently, Shahrizat Abdul Jalil remarked at the Dewan Rakyat on 29th March 2011 that, “in the context of family and marriage, extensive use of social websites can bring about unhealthy implications”.

Given that the 2008 statistics show that Malaysia has a total of 15 million internet users, this forum will act as a platform for the public to engage with policy and law makers to discuss the implications of any actions that may be taken on social media.

The forum will give feedback to policy makers on the impact of social media on family, accessibility, freedom of information, human rights and personal safety and privacy.