MADCash secures double honors at 2024 MAIAs

MADCash wins double honors at 2024 MAIAs for empowering women entrepreneurs, securing awards for Best For-profit Project and Closing The Gender Gap

MADCash Sdn. Bhd., an emerging Malaysian fintech company, has achieved remarkable success at the 2024 Money Awareness & Inclusion Awards (MAIAs), securing two prestigious awards for its innovative approach to financial inclusion. The accolades were announced yesterday during the online MAIAs ceremony, recognizing MADCash’s exceptional contributions to supporting women entrepreneurs.

MADCash was honored with the awards for Best For-profit Project for Under-Served Communities and Closing The Gender Gap. These awards highlight the company’s significant impact on empowering women through zero-interest microfunds and comprehensive financial training. MADCash’s proprietary platform enables donors to track their contributions, ensuring transparency and engagement in the funding process.

Nuraizah Shamsul, Managing Director with Musyrifah Malek, Co founder of MADCash

“We are super thrilled to receive this international recognition from the MAIAs,” said Nuraizah Shamsul Baharin, Managing Director of MADCash. “Our mission is to empower women entrepreneurs by providing access to capital as well as business and financial acumen training with the end goal of helping our women become bankable in 2 years. Winning these two awards is a testimony to our hard work and the amazing effort put in by the women we fund.”

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Driving Financial Literacy

The 2024 MAIAs attracted submissions from 35 countries, underscoring the global importance of financial literacy and inclusion. Michael Gilmore, founder of the MAIAs, remarked on the significance of MADCash’s achievements, stating, “MADCash’s awards in two categories demonstrate their robust approach to supporting underserved women entrepreneurs.”


Notably, MADCash was the only project to secure double wins this year, marking a historic achievement for the company and reinforcing its commitment to financial empowerment.

“The awards inspire us to have an even greater impact and reach more women in need. Thank you to the organizers of the MAIAs for these honors and also for putting the spotlight on the financial inclusion efforts happening around the globe, so more people will become aware of their importance,” Nuraizah added.

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MADCash team

The MAIAs celebrate outstanding initiatives focused on increasing money awareness and ensuring fair financial access worldwide. This year’s event saw record participation, reflecting the growing emphasis on financial inclusion on a global scale.

MADCash’s double victory at the 2024 MAIAs not only highlights the company’s innovative solutions but also sets a new benchmark for financial inclusion efforts in Malaysia and beyond.

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