Photo blog: Joy of Wesak in the helping

KOTA KINABALU – At the Puh Toh Sze Buddhist Temple in Likas, thousands of Buddhists and pets besides visitors marked the birthday of Gautama Buddha with worship veneration rituals, Dhamma sermons and blood donation campaign with a simple vegetable meal served for all from dawn to dusk.

At the Puh Toh Sze Buddhist Temple in Likas, thousands of Buddhists and pets besides visitors marked the birthday of Gautama Buddha with worship veneration rituals, Dhamma sermons and blood donation campaign with a simple vegetable meal served for all from dawn to dusk.

It was reported that Buddhist monks are ranked top of the happiest people on earth. Various researches by tertiary institutes testify to this finding including EEG findings that measures the brain’s electrical activity. Politicians were seen among the crowd shaking hands and greeting people likely a sign of early vote canvassing. But for Buddhists, Wesak Day was for remembering to live a meritorious life and helping others.

Malaysians and foreigners of all ages and ethnicity turned up for the temple’s functions on this Wesak Day celebration on Saturday May 5. The hillside temple was completed in 1980 and was declared open by Lim Guan Sing, the then deputy chief minister of Sabah. It is the largest Buddhist shrine in Kota Kinabalu with one of the biggest, longest inclining Buddha statues in Borneo and a school.

A German sausage dog (dachshund) turned up dressed up by its retiree senior citizen owner in its best impressive attire with a cellphone kit. Perhaps it knew that it was safe among vegetarian meal partakers especially at a Buddhist temple.

Part of the Puh Toh Sze temple complex
Praying before Buddhist Bodhisattva Guan Yin, also a deity of mercy for Taoists.
Chanting meritorious prayers and scriptures
Busy preparing vegetarian dish in the temple kitchen
One of the biggest incling Buddha statues in Borneo
Helping out at the blood donation desk
After a health screening, a volunteer goes to donate blood
Placing joss sticks
Free vegetarian breakfast
Free water melon slices and Buddhist flags
Mother helping toddler to bathe baby Buddha
Lulu, the (sau)sage dog dressed for the occasion
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David Thien