Man tries to get friendly with cops by offering cigarettes, wrongly gives drugs instead

A man in Hubei, China got himself in trouble after accidentally offering the police what he thought was a packet of cigarettes.

According to a video posted  by, the suspect, surnamed Tang, made an illegal turn on the road before suddenly accelerating and colliding with another car.

He was subsequently brought back to the police station for interrogation. Tang tried to be friendly with the cops by offering them a packet of cigarettes but mistakenly gave them the wrong packet.

“We saw that Tang looked anxious and suspected him of drunk driving or drug driving,” Sun Wei, a local police officer said.

Tang was carrying two packets with him, one for cigarettes and another one for the drugs. It is believed that he panicked and offered the police the wrong packet.

“We found Tang carried two cigarette cases, one of which contained one gram of ice and eight grams of ‘magu,’ a stimulant composed of methamphetamine and caffeine,” Pan Qing, another police officer said.

Tang was subsequently put through a urine test and the result came back positive. He has since been arrested for further action to be taken on suspicion of drug abuse.

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