Ways football as we know it will change after the pandemic

The corona pandemic has affected all aspects of our lives such as health, social life, profession as well as entertainment. Due to global scare of COVID-19 sports were postponed with teams and tournament restricted and left with a looming uncertainty. While every sport is affected equally, football fans are particularly left in dismay due to the suspension of many major events.

Soccer will return with a set of new rules and restrictions in place following the suspension due to coronavirus outbreak.

The Premier League is expected to return in June with chiefs desperate to get the players and clubs back into action. The football business is under a lot of financial stress due to slashed sponsorships, cancelled games and lost business.

While football is about to return here are the changes we expect will be implicated on and off the pitch in a post coronavirus world.

Sex with partners ban!

Germany’s Bundesliga already has this rule in place.

It might seem bizarre but sex ban is very much possible if partners show any symptoms of the virus. After Germany, the Premier League is most likely to adopt this ban.

Increase in the number of substitutions 

With football making a comeback, it is most likely that the teams will have a very congested schedule ahead of them. While too much play is progressive but it can easily burn-out players that can affect their performance.

This is why one huge change can be the change in the number of substitutions per game from three to five.

While teams cannot use all 5 players at the same time, it will help reduce the risk of burn-out.

On-pitch sterilization 

As coronavirus can live for up to 72 hours on certain surfaces, anything that can be cleaned and sterilized will be sterilized and cleaned. This includes on-pitch equipment as well.

Nothing can be left to chance which is why industry scale sterilization will be in place.

Punishment for spitting 

Players spitting is already a disgusting act that is frowned by the fans and fraternity alike. Previously a FIFA boss has already explained that players must be punished for such an act.

According to Michel D’Hooghe, Medical Committee chairman, “This is a common practice in football and it is not very hygienic.”

He adds, “So when we start football again I think we should have to avoid that at maximum. The question is whether that will be possible. Perhaps they can give a yellow card.”

“It is unhygienic and a good way to spread the virus. This is one of the reasons why we have to be very careful before we start again. I am not pessimistic but I am rather sceptical at the moment.” he added.

Penalty box distancing 

In a display of scaled-down version of social distancing, players in the penalty box will not be allowed to touch one another.

This will encourage players to follow social distance which is going to be inspirational for fans as well.

Age restrictions 

The risk of coronavirus is most for elderly with people over the age of 50 at a higher risk of fatality. This is why age restrictions are most likely to be allowed on the grounds.

For 72-year-old Crystal Palace manager Roy Hodgson this can mean he has to watch his team play on television.

Precautionary steps 

Isolated training and a six-week lockdown are some of the preventive measures we can see enrolling into the soccer world to stop players from catching the virus and potentially minimizing the spread.

Changed sportsbook odds 

If you are a soccer fan who loves to wager too, then you need to get ready for some dramatic changes in odds. According to OddsMax.com, soccer betting will see more refined bets being placed at unprecedented odds.

What do you think will be the change that soccer will witness as it returns after coronavirus pandemic?

Do let us know.

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